How A Podiatrist Can Help You Manage Foot Pain Caused By An Extra Bone In Your Foot

If you have a bump on the inside of your foot that causes pain when you wear certain shoes or when you go running, you might have an extra bone. It's not unusual for people to have an extra bone in their foot, and it often goes unnoticed. However, under the right conditions, the bone can irritate a tendon or other tissues in your foot and cause swelling and pain. Here's an overview of this foot condition and how it's treated.

Foot Pain From An Extra Bone Can Start As A Teen

Having an extra bone is a congenital condition, although it usually doesn't cause a problem in young kids when their bones are still growing and soft. When the bones mature in the teen years, the extra bone may start causing pain. The pain may not start until adulthood when something sets it off, but if a teen is active in sports and wears tight shoes, like ice skates, the problem can become evident.

An Extra Bone Can Appear In Different Places

An extra bone can form in different places in your foot. A common place is on the inside of your foot above the arch. If you have an extra bone, it's probably a small bone segment that resembles a bump. You can often feel the bump or even see it on the side of your foot. Whether the bump is on your heel or on the side of your foot, if it is noticeable, it can become a problem when you wear shoes and the shoes rub against the bump all day. That's when irritation, inflammation, and pain begin.

A Podiatrist Can Help You Manage The Foot Pain

The only way to eliminate the potential for problems with an extra bone is to surgically remove the bone. However, surgery isn't always done since it's possible to manage the foot condition so you recover from pain and inflammation and prevent it from returning.

Your podiatrist might recommend anti-inflammatory medication, and may even give you an injection in your foot to help with swelling and pain. You may be instructed to rest as much as possible with your foot elevated and ice on the swollen area. When you can't rest, you may need to wear a walking boot that protects your foot until the irritation has healed.

Once you've recovered from a painful flare, your podiatrist may work on preventing a return of the problem by providing you with orthotics to put in your shoes. If necessary, custom orthotics can be made that are an exact match to your foot. Your podiatrist might also recommend shoes to wear that support the arches of your feet and that don't irritate your extra bone.

You may even be taught exercises that strengthen the muscles in your calves and ankles to provide strong support for your foot and to keep your foot flexible. Preventative measures help manage your foot condition to prevent painful flare-ups and to postpone the need for surgery.

For more information, reach out to a podiatrist in your area.

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The medical field is dedicated to helping you maintain your health. However, your health also extends beyond what can be achieved in a doctor's office. To remain in good health, you need to also take good care of yourself on a day-to-day basis. That care has to take both mental and physical health into account, too. Health can mean going to the gym more often, paying attention to what you eat, or taking a walk around the block every day. It can also mean seeking care from a dentist, an optometrist, or a massage therapist. We explore the breadth of health on this website.



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