Suffering Frequent Persistent Constipation With No Obvious Cause? Visit A Gastroenterologist

Occasional constipation is a problem that usually passes after a day or two. However, more persistent cases of constipation may be caused by a litany of problems that can be hard to diagnose and treat without expert help. Thankfully, a gastroenterologist can help many people manage this problem by figuring out why it developed and providing treatment that ensures a person's bowels and stomach operate properly. 

Constipation Is Mysterious

Constipation is a bowel condition that can come and go rather unexpectedly and make life very difficult for a person. That's because the causes for this issue are many and can often compile on each other to make the situation worse. For example, some people may have a low-fiber diet that decreases their bowel movement regularly and also lowers their overall level of energy.

As a result, they won't exercise as much and the food that they do eat will make fairly heavy and solid fecal matter. And if this matter becomes too hard to move, the body will fail to get rid of it. And when this happens, other diseases — such as irritable bowel syndrome — may develop that cause a myriad of other health complications that could make constipation impossible to self-manage. Serious medical help is necessary here.

How a Gastroenterologist Can Help

Those with constipation that they can't manage with dietary changes may want to consider a gastroenterologist. These professionals focus on treating gastrointestinal problems and can provide many types of treatment. For example, they can gauge a person's fiber intake to see if they are eating too much or too little. Either problem can cause constipation if a person's diet is high in heavy foods, such as various types of protein.

A gastroenterologist can also track more serious health problems that may be leading to regular constipation. For example, they can give tests that gauge if a person's bowels are no longer operating properly, including various types of colonoscopies. When they have gone through this full litany of tests, they can then provide various treatments that help a person's constipation.

For example, some supplements help to break apart fecal matter and pass it through a person's system more easily. These include Milk of Magnesia and other stool softeners that contain magnesium citrate, docusate calcium, and more. These ingredients all help the body to process fecal matter and eliminate persistent and mysterious constipation in a person's life.  

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A Look at Health and the Medical Field

The medical field is dedicated to helping you maintain your health. However, your health also extends beyond what can be achieved in a doctor's office. To remain in good health, you need to also take good care of yourself on a day-to-day basis. That care has to take both mental and physical health into account, too. Health can mean going to the gym more often, paying attention to what you eat, or taking a walk around the block every day. It can also mean seeking care from a dentist, an optometrist, or a massage therapist. We explore the breadth of health on this website.



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