A person's face is easily one of their most distinctive and unique features. As a result, individuals that have suffered substantial damages to their face may find that getting a reconstructive surgery procedure can be necessary for restoring their appearance.
Are Facial Reconstructive Procedures Only Suitable For Patients That Have Experienced Severe Injuries?
A common assumption that people will have about facial reconstructive procedures is that this is a procedure that is only useful for patients that have suffered a traumatic injury that has caused severe damage to their face. In reality, there are many developmental and genetic issues that could cause a person to have severe problems with their facial bone structure or the cartilage that defines softer facial features. For these individuals, undergoing a facial reconstruction can be vital for allowing them to have confidence in their appearance.
Will You Be Able To Have An Idea As To What You Can Expect From The Facial Reconstructive Surgery?
Individuals that are considering facial reconstruction procedures may think that it will be impossible or extremely difficult for them to be able to know the type of results that this surgery will be able to provide them. In reality, many medical centers that offer this type of procedure will be able to offer patients computerized models that may provide them with a fairly accurate understanding of the type of results that the procedure will be able to achieve. In addition to helping the patient to assess whether this surgery will be a good option for them, it will also allow them to mentally prepare for the type of change that this procedure may be able to achieve.
Can Your Facial Reconstruction Surgery Be Done In A Single Session?
A person that is wanting to utilize reconstructive surgery for their needs will often assume that this will be done in a single surgery session. In reality, the number of procedures that will be needed is largely a product of the severity of the damages that the face has suffered. In most cases, patients will find that they may require multiple surgery sessions in order to have all of their facial damages corrected. These surgeries may need to be spread out over several weeks or longer to allow the patient to recover between sessions. In situations where a patient needs to have a plate or other artificial support placed, this can be particularly important due to the need for the tissue in the face to properly bond to these components.